
2023年04月26日 16:28:47



  2023年教资面试考试的时间分别是5月13日-14日和12月9日-10日,其中试讲占的分值还是很大的,通常备考时间这样分配:20分钟备课写教案+5分钟结构化面试+10分钟试讲+5分钟答辩,为方便考生备考,小编整理了小学英语教师资格证试讲真题——《I've got a new friend》的内容。

  Teaching aims

  1.Knowledge aims:

  ①Students can read and recognize some key words and phrases, such as “short hair” and “clever”.

  ②Students can master the sentence structures “She’s got ......” and “She’s ......”.

  2.Ability aim:

  Students can describe their new friends by using the target words and sentence patterns in their daily life.

  3.Emotional aims:

  ①Students can enhance their interest of learning English.

  ②Students can realize the importance of having friends and loving their friends.

  Key and difficult points:

  1.Key Point: How to describe their new friends by using the target words and sentence patterns.

  2.Difficult Point: How to realize the importance of having friends and loving their friends.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1: Warming-up

  1. Greetings.

  2. Invite students to sing a song named Mary Had A Little Lamb. The song is like this:

  Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,

  Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow.

  And everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went,

  and everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.

  Then ask students a question:“The little lamb is Mary’s friend. Do you know how to introduce your friend?”

  Step 2: Pre-listening

  1. Draw a picture of a famous cartoon character named Curnane.

  2. Teach the key words and phrases, such as “short hair” and “clever”.

  Step 3: While-listening

  1. Extensive listening

  Read the passage for students and ask them what the tape is about. Then invite one student to answer. (It’s a letter from Amy to Lucy.)

  2. Intensive listening

  Play the tape for the second time and ask students several questions:

  “Who is Amy’s best friend? What’s she like?”

  “Where were they?”

  Then ask two volunteers to write his or her answer on the blackboard. And teach the new sentence patterns about how to introduce new friends:

  “She’s got _______. She’s _______.”

  Play the tape for the third time and ask students to repeat after the tape.

  Step 4: Post-listening

  Let students work in pairs. Ask students to draw a picture of their new friends and introduce him or her by using the key words and sentence patterns. Five minutes later, invite some students to share and give some comments.

  Step 5: Summary and Homework

  Summary: Invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today’s lesson.

  Homework: Ask students to introduce their new friends to their parents.

  Blackboard design: